Diverticulitis And Fermented Turmeric
Since writing my article about the benefits of fermented Turmeric and Ginger when treating Irritable Bowel Syndrome, several customers have asked whether this combination may also be helpful in treating diverticulitis.
Diverticular disease is quite common, with one in three Australians over 45 developing diverticular disease. Interestingly, diverticular disease wasn’t a common disease before the 20th century however it’s believed our poor Western diet has contributed to the increased prevalence of this disease. As well as a poor diet contributing to the increased risk of suffering from diverticulitis, lack of exercise, obesity, smoking plus some prescription medications may also contribute to the problem.
Diverticulitis is a condition which affects our digestive tract and can, in some cases be very painful. Diverticula are these small sacs which can develop along the lining of our digestive tract. When they form, they become known as diverticulosis. When the pouches become inflamed or infected, the condition then becomes known as diverticulitis.
There are several symptoms of diverticulitis –
- Bloating
- Fever and Chills
- Cramping
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Abdominal Pain
- Alternating diarrhoea and constipation
When suffering from an acute bout of diverticulitis, it’s often recommended to stay on a clear liquid diet. This is where the Best of Bone Turmeric and Ginger Bone Broth may be helpful. The gut healing benefits of bone broth are well known and with the added benefits of turmeric and ginger this may be very beneficial. Ginger tea can also be helpful in soothing the gut.
Once the symptoms have eased it’s suggested, as well as continuing with the bone broth, to introduce easily digestible foods such as steamed, grated, and pureed vegetables and fruits. As the gut improves and copes with these foods, we can gradually begin to introduce more foods which are higher in fibre. It’s important to continue a wholesome diet of fibre, protein and fresh fruits and vegetables to help avoid further bouts of diverticulitis.
So, to the question of supplements to help diverticulitis. Yes, fermented turmeric and ginger may be helpful. As I’ve mentioned in previous articles, both of these herbs have great anti-inflammatory properties, which may alleviate inflammation from diverticulitis. Ginger has anti-spasmodic properties and can be helpful in preventing and treating nausea. Once again, because this formula is fermented it may also be more effective.
Slippery Elm is another herb which may be very beneficial. Slippery elm is a demulcent which can be a great soother and healer to the intestinal walls. It may also have an anti-inflammatory effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
Probiotics are also believed to help reduce symptoms of diverticulitis.
There is another formula I have previously written about, and which we have received very positive feedback on for diverticulitis. This formula contains glutamine (for healing the gut lining), slippery elm, turmeric, chamomile, aloe vera, marshmallow, globe artichoke and zinc. This formula is both healing and an anti-inflammatory to the gut and bowel.
For further information on fermented turmeric or any health problem, call to see Bev and the girls at Go Vita, Your Health Shop, at 5 North St, Batemans Bay, or phone 44729737.