Avoiding The Dreaded Mozzie Bites

Bev Dunne

With all the concerns about the various viruses etc carried by mosquitoes, and with recent rains bringing an influx of mozzies, it is a good time to remind customers of why we may attract mosquitoes and how we best deter them. What I’ve always found fascinating is why mozzies find some of us more attractive than others. There is belief mosquitoes are attracted by the amount of carbon dioxide in our breath, our body temperature, odorant markers related to our blood type, alcohol and pregnancy.

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Restore Your Gut Health After The Festive Season

Bev Dunne
So, the festive season has passed, many are now back at work or getting on with their lives and unfortunately for many of us, it means dealing with the consequences of those over indulgences over the silly season. The increased consumption of alcohol, together with many of us eating more high sugar, high fat foods may mean we may need to deal with the fall out, meaning often gut and bowel health problems.

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Kickstart Your Health In 2025 With A Greens Supplement

Bev Dunne
Okay we’ve overindulged over the festive season, in fact we may still be overindulging, however maybe now it’s time to slowly get back on track with healthy eating. I think a great way to kickstart some healthy habits is to begin with introducing a greens supplement into our diet.

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Care For Your Liver Over The Festive Season

Bev Dunne
Our liver is also responsible for metabolising our fats, by producing bile, which then breaks down fats. By overburdening our liver, it’s obvious we are more prone to weight gain which is why we often suggest a liver tonic for those wishing to lose weight. An overburdened liver can also make us feel bloated and very sluggish.

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Healthy Rocky Road Recipe For Christmas

Bev Dunne
With Christmas only a few weeks away, I find it fun looking for recipes, especially for treats to serve up during the festive season. Below is a great Rocky Road recipe that is super tasty and also caters to everyone because it’s vegan, gluten-free and dairy-free.

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Charcoal- Great For Flatulence Plus A Great Detoxifier

Bev Dunne
Often as a consequence of overindulging, we can suffer from flatulence and wind. Who would have thought charcoal could be a great treatment for flatulence. Yes, I did say charcoal and no I haven’t gone mad!! I’m not suggesting you scrape up a few teaspoons of charcoal from your barbeque to ingest next time you’re suffering from a bit of gas.

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The Hidden Secrets Of Jojoba Oil

Bev Dunne
It has been found that the wax produced from the jojoba bean is similar to the protective wax produced by our skin. This wax produced by our skin enables our skin to remain moisturised. Unfortunately for us, this protective wax produced by our skin can, for various reasons become diminished which then leaves our skin looking somewhat dry, tired and dull.

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Vegetable Nut Loaf With Tomato Basil Sauce

Bev Dunne

I love all nuts however I find Brazil nuts are one of my favourites. Brazil nuts are often hailed as the ‘go-to’ when it comes to foods containing selenium. They are great as a snack or if you want to incorporate Brazil nuts in your cooking, below is one of my favourite nut loaf recipes which I have baked for many years. It’s easy and very tasty!

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Feeling Tired? Read About Bev's Secret!

Bev Dunne

I always start taking a fantastic Chinese herbal formula at this time of the year and believe me, from past experience I can tell you it works extremely well for me in these hectic times. For many years I found I was exhausted by the time Christmas Day arrived and then I had to drag myself through January, the busiest month of the year for our business.

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Irritable Bowel Relieved With Fermented Turmeric

Bev Dunne
Several years ago, when I first wrote about bio-fermented turmeric, we had many customers returning to tell us about the great results they had gained for IBS after taking bio-fermented turmeric.

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