Protect Your Skin From The Ravages Of Winter
Don’t you just hate this time of the year when you can almost see your skin drying out before your very eyes. Your face seems dull and under nourished, your lips are all dry and chafed and even your poor hands look like you’ve just spent the day scrubbing floors!! Oh then of course your legs look like a reptile’s skin. Hmm, a lovely thought.
The problem with many so-called moisturisers, is they are full of so many chemicals, they are actually drying your skin more than moisturizing your skin. It is said there are over 800 chemicals contained in commonly used skin care products, with 44 of these chemicals being quite detrimental to your health. Did you know when applying these chemicals to your skin, the chemicals are not only drying your skin but are also being absorbed into your body, with your poor liver then having to process these chemicals.
So, when it comes to applying skin care products to my body, I look for a product which doesn’t contain these chemicals and where possible uses organic ingredients. I particularly like a product which is 100% natural containing organic chamomile, calendula and wild pansy which are perfect for soothing rough skin. We usually think of chamomile as a relaxing herbal tea however when used in a skin cream it is very calming, soothing, and healing. Calendula is often used for treatment of dry and damaged skin, as well as mild skin irritations. Wild pansies are known to flourish in silica rich soil with the oil being known to assist in skin healing, cleansing and soothing.
These three extracts are great for moisturizing persistent dry patches of skin which sometimes occur on the elbows and knees. I have also found it very effective for customers suffering from dry, damaged heels and feet. The trick is to massage the cream into the feet at night before going to bed, then to put on a pair of socks which then seems to increase the absorption throughout the night. Your feet the next morning will feel wonderfully soft and smooth. For badly damaged heels you will obviously need to follow this procedure for some time.
For those dry hands, I find this cream works a treat. I find it to be intensely nourishing and hydrating and is particularly effective for those people who often have their hands in water or chemicals such as chefs, cleaners, hairdressers even gardeners. Once again if your hands are really dry, I would suggest massaging your hands with the cream before going to bed then covering your hands with cotton gloves for the night. So, after creaming your heels and hands before bed, why not go the extra mile and give your face an overnight intensive treatment. This cream is wonderful for revitalizing tired and dry complexions. It is also suitable for someone with naturally oily skin.
Of course, at this time of the year our lips are becoming chafed with the colder winds and this cream is a fantastic lip balm, protecting and nourishing dry lips. If you’re a surfer, skier, bike rider or just out and about in the cold weather, it is fantastic when used as a barrier cream to prevent chafing of your skin. It can even be used when you are suffering from that horrible chafing you get around your nose when you’re suffering from a head cold. Just dab the cream around the affected area and let is soothe and heal the skin.