War On Waste, Plastic Free
We are constantly trying to reduce our plastic waste and waste in general in the shop, at Nourish and at home. It does require more time and effort so we do what we can afford to now, and implement initiatives incrementally so the change is less overwhelming to maintain. For example, we've recently chucked the plastic Go Vita Health Club membership cards. 95% of the time, we can find our members in our database faster then they can find their card, that's if they can even find it ;-) It wasn't until a customer declined joining our health club due to the plastic membership card. Well, that was a facepalm moment for me. Here I was stressing about how to implement monumental sweeping changes to the way we do business and overlooking smaller, easily achievable changes. I think that's the key to helping our planet. We can't all start growing food in our backyard and make our own re-usable toilet paper (yes, that's a thing!) but small simple steps do have a big impact globally. Think about the recent Seaside Scavenge where 11 028 cigarette butts were collected in 3 hours in a relatively localised area. That's result of thousands of people thinking, it's just one cigarette butt. The Dalai Lama, has a better way of putting it, "If you think you're too small to make a difference, try sleeping in a room with a mosquito."
We also aim to help you help the planet by providing plastic free, earth friendly alternatives to our daily tools. We have some big changes happening soon in the shop so watch this space!! We love feedback from our customers and do what we can to bring you the products you want. It's often a tricky balance when a small family-owned business is measured against a big box conglomerate but know that we always strive to find items that are high quality for your health and ethically produced.
In the cafe, we supply biodegradable and compostable takeaway containers but let's face it, it's still waste. So to do better we've been offering a 50 cent discount when you bring a reusable takeaway coffee cup AND did you know if you bring a reusable container you can get a 50 cent discount on your take away food too?(excluding nourish bowls) And of course everyone gets a free coffee with the purchase of a takeaway cup.
We keep our food miles down by buying local where possible and our food waste is collected by a local pig farmer. Speaking of local farmers, bring in your garden goods for a tradesie at Nourish, kale for coffee ;-) Not only are planet friendly practices good for the environment but they also inject money into our local economy!
We are all about health here at Go Vita and Nourish. Health of our bodies, our environment, our economy. Health is not a fast-fashion, it cannot be achieved overnight and requires an investment to get the return. A small investment now usually has a bigger pay off in the end then a large investment later.
Your healthy helper,
We also aim to help you help the planet by providing plastic free, earth friendly alternatives to our daily tools. We have some big changes happening soon in the shop so watch this space!! We love feedback from our customers and do what we can to bring you the products you want. It's often a tricky balance when a small family-owned business is measured against a big box conglomerate but know that we always strive to find items that are high quality for your health and ethically produced.
In the cafe, we supply biodegradable and compostable takeaway containers but let's face it, it's still waste. So to do better we've been offering a 50 cent discount when you bring a reusable takeaway coffee cup AND did you know if you bring a reusable container you can get a 50 cent discount on your take away food too?(excluding nourish bowls) And of course everyone gets a free coffee with the purchase of a takeaway cup.
We keep our food miles down by buying local where possible and our food waste is collected by a local pig farmer. Speaking of local farmers, bring in your garden goods for a tradesie at Nourish, kale for coffee ;-) Not only are planet friendly practices good for the environment but they also inject money into our local economy!
We are all about health here at Go Vita and Nourish. Health of our bodies, our environment, our economy. Health is not a fast-fashion, it cannot be achieved overnight and requires an investment to get the return. A small investment now usually has a bigger pay off in the end then a large investment later.
Your healthy helper,