Essential Nutrition Sibelius Sage
Essential Nutrition Sibelius Sage
The Saliva (sage) family of plants have centuries of historical use as medicinal and culinary herbs throughout the ancient world, being utilised throughout Ancient Greece, Rome and Egypt. The simple beauty of the plant led to its inclusion in many gardens throughout the world. The subspecies Salvia officinalis had been used in traditional herbal medicine for a range of functions, including traditional use to enhance mental recall.
Sibelius Sage™ is a unique sage material. The starting plant material is grown on a farm dedicated solely to Salvia officinalis, just outside Hampshire in the UK. The harvest period is restricted from November to March each year, and each part of the extraction process is tightly managed to create a raw material with unique characteristics.
Salvia officinalis (Sage) is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to maintain, support and enhance memory and/or mental recall.
• Salvia officinalis (Sage) is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine to aid/assist/help
• memory recall.
• Sibelius Sage™ may be beneficial in the enhancement of cognition in older people.
• Sibelius Sage™ may help support secondary memory in older people.
• Salvia officinalis (Sage) is traditionally used in Herbal Medicine as a tonic.
Sibelius Sage™ does not contain added wheat, gluten, dairy, lactose, animal products, soy, sugar, or egg products