
Martin & Pleasance Comb R

Infants’ teething pains and allied conditions.

Many infants experience some difficulty with teething. As the erupting tooth forces its way through the tender gum it causes pain and stress to the baby. Combination R has been designed to help alleviate these infant teething pains. Also useful for toothache in teenagers and adults.

Assists with:

  • Teething
  • Tooth pain
  • Dental Inflammation


Each tablet contains equal amounts of 6x:
Calc fluor (Calcium fluoride), Calc phos (Calcium phosphate), Ferr phos (Ferrum phosphate), Mag phos (Magnesium phosphate), Silica (Silicon dioxide)


Always read the label and use only as directed. If symptoms persist consult your healthcare practitioner. Contains lactose.

Qty available: 1 SKU: 12192
Martin & Pleasance Comb R

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