Licorice Helping Heartburn, Reflux, Indigestion and Stomach Ulcers

Licorice Helping Heartburn, Reflux, Indigestion and Stomach Ulcers

Bev Dunne

With Christmas just around the corner, I’m sure many of us will be overindulging, eating and drinking a little too much and then suffering the consequences. These overindulgences can often then mean a bout of reflux and heartburn, maybe indigestion, bloating, a feeling of fullness particularly in the upper abdomen.

Nobody wants to spend the festive season suffering from digestive problems. To avoid this digestive discomfort, be prepared. I would suggest taking a good gut formula to help address those gut problems.

Many would not realise a formula containing licorice may just be what you need at this time of the year.

When we think of licorice, I guess our first thoughts are of a licorice lolly. However, Licorice Root, which is the root of the licorice plant is an amazing herb which has been lauded for many centuries for its many therapeutic benefits.

 One of the standout benefits however is its ability to calm the gut. It is in fact used for many digestive problems including stomach ulcers, heartburn, reflux, bloating, colic, and persistent inflammation of the stomach lining. It is often used to overcome an irritated and inflamed gut which can also cause painful stomach spasms. Licorice root lowers acid in the stomach which in turn relieves heartburn, reflux, and indigestion. It is believed the active ingredient in licorice root can overcome helicobacter pylori; the bacteria known to attack the stomach lining which is generally believed to be responsible for stomach ulcers as well as gastritis.

There is a particular formula which I like which contains Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL). This form of licorice has been found to be safer when used long term.

This formula also contains the amino acid Glutamine which I have often written about for gut health. As I have written before, our intestinal lining uses Glutamine to assist in creating a strong surface to enable good digestion and absorption. Glutamine feeds the cells which form the inner lining of our small and large intestines. Glutamine has been found to be extremely helpful in healing the gut lining. It has also been found to be helpful in maintaining good gut flora which of course helps support a healthy gut.

Aloe vera, calendula and slippery elm are also included in this formula. Aloe vera is believed to enhance digestion, restore the balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut and bowel and is an excellent anti inflammatory to the gut and bowel. Calendula helps relieve and treat inflammation to the gut whilst Slippery elm helps sooth irritated mucous membranes and at the same time helps repair the digestive tract and feeds the good bacteria in the large intestine.

If you suffer from ongoing heartburn and reflux as well as other digestive problems, it would be beneficial to also address the acid/alkaline balance in your gut by supplementing with barley grass powder. By alkalising the gut often many of the above symptoms may subside. I have lost count of the number of customers who have overcome reflux, heartburn, and other digestive problems by supplementing with barley grass powder and alkalising their body.

So don’t have your holidays spoilt with uncomfortable and often distressing digestive problems. Be prepared and begin taking a gut formula now!